Definition of High-Level and Low-Level Languages:

  • High-Level Language: A programming language that is easy for humans to read and write, using words and symbols that resemble natural language. Examples include Python, Java, and C++. These languages need to be translated (using a compiler or interpreter) for the computer to understand.

  • Low-Level Language: A programming language that is closer to the computer’s machine language, which the hardware can directly understand. It provides more control over the hardware but is harder for humans to read and write. Examples include Assembly language and Machine code.

Difference Between High-Level and Low-Level Languages:

Keywords Low-Level Language High-Level Language
Ease of Understanding Easy to understand and write, similar to human language. Harder to understand, closer to machine language.
Platform Flexibility Works on different computers without much change. Works only on specific types of computers.
Hardware Control Gives less control over hardware. Gives more control over the computer’s hardware.
Speed Slower because it needs to be translated for the computer to understand. Faster because it’s already close to what the computer can understand.
Examples Python, Java, C++. Assembly language, Machine code.


Simply, high-level languages are easier for humans to work with, and low-level languages are closer to how computers actually work.


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